A lot of foreign countries want to get their hands on the gold standard of drones, The General Atomics Predator. I’ve spoken with senior members of the company and they assure me that the exportable version cannot be modified with hard points to fix weapons. Apparently this is because of internal mods to the center of gravity (CG) that would make the plane unable to fly if hard points were attached.

Regardless of weaponizing, the Predator will give some serious capability to the UAE and others in the Middle East who are already on the red carpet list to acquire the drone.

Read more below.

From Al Jazeera English

The United Arab Emirates has signed defence contracts worth $1.4bn, including one for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, the country’s military says.

The value of the deals was announced on the third day of the IDEX defence show in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday.

The largest deal, worth $380m, was for 750 mine-resistant, ambush-protected, all-terrain vehicles from Oshkosh Corp.

The UAE’s armed forces also agreed to buy an undisclosed number of unarmed Predator drones from privately-owned US firm General Atomics in a deal worth $197m.