Despite President Donald Trump announcing that the United States will withdraw most of its troops from Somalia, the U.S. recently conducted airstrikes against al-Shabaab in the country. The U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) didn’t specify if the airstrikes were conducted by drones or by aircraft.

The U.S. has been using drones for the majority of airstrikes in Somalia.

“This strike should demonstrate to any enemy that we stand by our partners and will vigorously defend both ourselves and our partners during this repositioning and future operations,” said Maj. Gen. Dagvin Anderson, Joint Task Force – Quartz commander. “We will continue to maintain strong force protection and strike those who seek to harm us or our partners.”

These latest airstrikes targeted, what AFRICOM officials described as, al-Shabaab explosives experts near the town of Jilib, about 207 miles southwest of Mogadishu in the Lower Juba valley.

Juba valley remains a terrorist stronghold despite U.S. airstrikes and Somali special operations troops’ forays into the area.

“We will continue to apply pressure to the al-Shabaab network. They continue to undermine Somali security, and need to be contained and degraded,” said U.S. Army Gen. Stephen Townsend, the commander of U.S. Africa Command in a released statement.

“Al-Shabaab remains a dangerous franchise of al-Qaeda,” Townsend added. “We continue to monitor the threat and support our partners through training and military and diplomatic engagement. This mission illustrates our continuing commitment to eradicating this threat and supporting our Somali partners in the region. We’re repositioning, but we will maintain the ability to strike this enemy.”

Townsend has stated that although the majority of U.S. troops are leaving Somalia, they won’t be leaving the region, as they will be redeployed to Kenya or Djibouti. “We will maintain the ability to strike the enemy,” he said.