The US Perspective

The war between Israel and Hamas is likely far from over; still, the future governance of the Gaza Strip has ignited a complex debate among global powers, notably between Israel and the United States. The Biden administration, through the voice of US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, has voiced a clear stance on the post-war scenario in Gaza, emphasizing the importance of Palestinian self-determination and opposition to any reduction in Gaza’s territory or the displacement of its residents. Kirby’s statements reflect a vision for the Palestinian people to express their will through a revitalized Palestinian Authority (PA), starkly contrasting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposals.

What Israel Has in Mind

Netanyahu’s plan, which has been met with skepticism in Washington, outlines a vision for Gaza that diverges significantly from that of the US. The Israeli proposal imagines a governance model that excludes the PA, citing its failure to condemn the October 7 Hamas-led attacks on Israel. This plan includes indefinite Israeli military operations in Gaza to prevent future terror activity, the establishment of a security buffer zone, and the appointment of local officials unconnected to terrorism to manage civil services. Furthermore, it calls for international cooperation to curb smuggling into Gaza, financial support from Arab countries for reconstruction, and efforts toward the demilitarization and de-radicalization of Gaza’s population.

While in Argentina, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken remarked on the Israeli plan, stating his intention to “reserve judgment” until he could review all the details. However, he reiterated the US’s opposition to any form of reoccupation of Gaza or reduction of its territory, emphasizing that Gaza must not serve as a base for terrorism.

Netanyahu’s reluctance to discuss the future governance of Gaza within his security cabinet, fearing potential rifts within his right-wing coalition, underscores the political sensitivities surrounding this issue. His plan reflects a broader strategy to reshape Gaza’s future while excluding the PA in its current form. However, he has hinted at the possibility of accepting a reformed PA in line with US preferences.

The Palestinian Authority Perspective

Secretary of State Blinken meets with Palestinian President Abbas in Ramallah.

The Palestinian Authority, led by Mahmoud Abbas, has categorically rejected Netanyahu’s proposals. The PA’s stance, coupled with international calls for its involvement in Gaza’s post-war governance, highlights the complex dynamics at play. The Israeli plan’s emphasis on “local officials” and “de-radicalization” efforts, potentially with support from Arab countries experienced in such initiatives, suggests an attempt to establish a new governance model in Gaza without the PA or external influences from countries supporting terrorism.

As discussions continue, the international community, including Arab states in dialogue with the US, explores alternative frameworks for Gaza’s future. These discussions hint at the possibility of integrating Hamas into the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), a move that could redefine Palestinian politics and the region’s geopolitical landscape.

In summary, the discourse on Gaza’s post-war governance encapsulates a clash of visions between Israel and its allies, particularly the United States. While Israel proposes a plan centered on security concerns and the exclusion of the PA, the US advocates for Palestinian self-determination and the PA’s revitalization. As these discussions unfold, the path to a sustainable and peaceful resolution in Gaza remains fraught with political and ideological challenges, underscoring the intricate balance between national security interests and the pursuit of peace and stability in the region.