Oil is the lifeblood of nations. No substance has ever proven more beneficial to the world when it comes to sustaining day to day livelihoods and moving vast quantities of commerce across the globe. It’s the one thing people, regardless of background, have to agree on if they want to be truthful. Oil is what makes the world work. And just like all resources provided by the earth, it plays no favorites. Right or wrong, good or bad, it serves at the pleasure of its users… and never more so than when it comes to waging war.

Throughout World War II, Germany, like its Axis partners Japan and Italy, depended on imported oil to feed its ever-thirsty military. Conquering Western Europe, occupying North Africa and controlling a vast swath of the Soviet Union had done little to offset the increasing burden of oil necessities.

Hitler tried what could be considered an all or nothing gamble to eliminate the problem, by launching the offensive named “Case Blue” in southern Russia during the summer of 1942. Here, 1.25 million troops fought their way through the Caucasus region, intending to capture the grand prize of the seemingly endless oil fields around the city of Baku. Instead, as history shows, they were stopped, and Hitler’s attention soon diverted further north to capture a city named for his arch rival. Stalingrad. The once mighty offensive petered out as the Ratten Krieg (Rat War) raged in the streets and buildings of a place once considered an afterthought, and when the Germans were encircled and destroyed there, the units fighting in the Caucuses were forced to retreat to avoid a similar fate.

The great gamble had failed, and ultimately, less than 30,000 of those involved in Case Blue made it back to their homeland. From this point on, endless supplies of oil remained out of reach, and Germany would have to depend on its ally, Romania, with its Ploesti oilfields, to continue supplying some 60% of the military’s needs. Because of this, conversations at the Casablanca conference in January, 1943 began about what the results might be if these fields could be heavily damaged, if not outright destroyed. A decision soon emerged to bomb Ploesti’s refineries as quickly as possible.

Assigned to oversee the operation was General Henry ‘Hap’ Arnold, who turned over planning to Colonel Jacob Smart of his advisory council. In the weeks that followed, the idea he came up could have been considered downright blasphemous, as it defied the longstanding Army Air Corps policy of strategic bombing at high altitude with massive formations. It still fell into the categories of strategic and massive, but Smart intended to bring the four engine beasts involved in the doctrine, specifically the Consolidated B-24 Liberator, 178 in all, down to tree-top height and roar in from two different directions at once. Doing this would keep the force below radar and allow them to surprise the Germans, who he surmised, would never expect such an attack in such strength so far from an Allied base. Ambitious to be sure, but looking at alternatives, it was really the only one that had a reasonable chance of working.

“If we’re successful, we could shorten the war by up to six months,” were the words spoken by several prominent U.S. commanders.

They chose airfields around Benghazi, Libya as the staging bases. The route proposed would take them over the Mediterranean, where they would split into two groups and continue on across the Adriatic Sea, then cross over part of Albania and Yugoslavia. Entering southwest Romania, they would turn east and home-in on Ploesti before splitting up and attacking from the north. In total, the flight was a 2,400 mile roundtrip.

Brigadier General Uzal EntThe Eighth Air Force provided three groups, the 44th, 93rd and 389th, while the Ninth Air Force added two, the 98th and 376th. Overall command was placed under Brigadier General Uzal Ent. In total, in the summer of 1943, some 1,751 airmen of these units began studying reconnaissance photographs and sand table models of targets, before heading out into the unforgiving desert heat to crank their Liberators to life.