Veterans Day, or Remembrance Day or Armistice Day, as it’s also known in the Commonwealth countries, just ended.  Let’s see how people honored their militaries’ sacrifices.

In northern France, a 100-gun salute commemorated the centenary of the Battle of Passchendaele.  Reenactors from around the world gathered and fired restored WWI artillery pieces.

Passchendaele, which took place from July to November 1917, was one the Great War’s more horrendous engagements.  Almost 500,000 soldiers from both sides died.  Many of them drowned in the mud that had followed that year’s autumn rains.

In Scotland, Aberlady Parish Church erected a wall of red poppies with 6,000 individually knitted poppies.  The organizers were inspired by the 2014 Tower of London display, when 888,246 poppies, each for a dead Commonwealth soldier, had formed an ocean of red.

The Magnificent display of the Aberlady Parish Church (Twitter)


In London, the Big Ben temporarily ended its silence due to repairs to sound a two-minute moment of silence at 11:00 a.m.  Crowds also gathered at the Cenotaph memorial in downtown London.