Occasionally I’ll read something that will just make me pause and say “WTF, over”. Today was one of those days, thanks to Linda Robinson and her weak Congressional testimony.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Special Operations is the new conventional force in the 21st Century. The entire DOD organization has shifted towards a Special Operations centric model.

This brings both good, bad and ugly to US SOCOM.

  • The Good: increased funding and special programs.
  • The Bad: political piggy backing on the community and installing “oversight” committees that put too much weight on the branches of the Spec Ops decision tree.
  • The Ugly: ugly career politicians jockeying for power

Washington’s Special Operations power grab is no surprise to me. The ugly career politicians are jockeying for power and influence over SOCOM. It’s what career politicians do. They trade favors to stay in power (when they’re not voting themselves another raise). They do this by exerting control over process and funding.

Death by Political Committee

Enter Linda Robinson, a self-proclaimed expert on the Special Operations community. In her testimony before the House Committee on Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, Linda Robinson details how U.S. Special Operations Forces can be restructured to better confront emerging challenges.

I have nothing against Linda. She’s obviously very intelligent, not a very good writer (I can’t stand people who use “look at me” vocabulary words) and not on solid ground opining about the Special Operations community.

This is my personal opinion, you decide for yourself.

I don’t care how many hours you stand alongside a doctor in the operating room, it doesn’t make you a doctor and comes nowhere near experiencing what it’s like to hold life and death and the responsibility of it all in your own hands. Sorry Linda, and shame on whoever brought you in to testify before the herd of lambs.