French President François Hollande addressed his nation following the terrorist attack that killed 80 and injured over 100 people following a fireworks show celebrating Bastille Day. He is very confident that this is an act was terrorism and states that France is working to find out who is responsible and if the man had any accomplices. French President François Hollande also requested that the national state of emergency that was set to expire on July 26th be extended due to the attack on Nice, France.

France has been struck on the day of her national holiday – the 14th of July, Bastille Day – the symbol of liberty, because human rights are denied by fanatics and France is clearly their target. -French President François Hollande

Following this address, details about the driver have been released. Investigators found the 31 year old man’s identification papers in the truck and they indicate he was from Tunisia. French authorities are still withholding his identity at this time. So far, there have been no claims of responsibility from known terrorist groups.

Image courtesy of AP