Help for Heroes is a UK based charitable organization that provides support to veterans in need.  These types of charities aren’t uncommon in today’s day in age, as many groups seek to help those forever afflicted by the injuries they sustained in combat, so many organizations have taken to making image and video content for social media to help spread their message.

In this video, one of a number created and posted by Help for Heroes, a 5 (and a half) year old girl from Darlington, UK named Temperance requested a chance to meet a “real-life” soldier after she participated in a 100 meter swim and a triathlon to help raise money for wounded veterans.  She gets her wish in the form of veteran Simon Brown, who lost the majority of his eyesight when he was shot in the face during combat operations in Iraq.

Brown, who has undergone 25 surgeries since that fateful day, and Temperance, who even participated in the bike race portion of her triathlon despite needing training wheels, go on to tell one another who it is that they see as heroes.

Watch the touching video below.


Image courtesy of Help for Heroes