Earlier this week, footage surfaced online of blacked-out military helicopters flying low over downtown Los Angeles. It may seem unnerving to have special operators wearing full “battle rattle” zoom over your local grocery, but citizens of LA don’t need to fret. These low-flying birds of prey are the good guys.

The helicopters, MH-6 Little Birds and MH-60 Black Hawks, hail from the U.S. Army’s 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR). Its pilots are tasked with the insertion and extraction of America’s special operations troops in heavily-contested territory. They often fly extremely low with little or no external lighting, using darkness for concealment. Their tenacity for twilight operations earned them the moniker “Night Stalkers.”

In other clips, a MH-60 Black Hawk with no external lighting lands in the middle of the street, where a group of special operators exited a building and quickly climbed aboard.