About a month ago Ukraine, the media outlet UNIAN.com, or the Ukrainian Independent Information Agency Of News conducted a press conference that included three members of the OMAN which is part of the Russian Interior Ministry that functions as riot police as well as anti-insurgency forces in conquered territory.

The first individual identifies himself as the Department of Internal Affairs, Rapid Deployment Force, LTC Astakhov Dmitriy Mikhailovich.

The second as,  Inspection Officer at  Information and Documentation Group, OMON Special Task Police Squad, Spiridinov Yevgeniy Viktorovich.

And the third as Brigadier Chief of Police, OMON, Plotnikov Yevgeniy Vitalyevich.  He seems pretty young to hold a Chief of Police title so this may be a translations error.

Two of the three show visible signs of injury as well as medical treatment. LTC Mikhailovich appears to be the senior ranking officer among them. They then conducted an “interview” with the media.

LTC Mikhailovich holds up papers in front of them and says, “These papers-these are our cue card we want to tell you.  This is not our text written in advance to be voiced here.”

You can watch the interview and judge for yourself the sincerity of these men, but as a graduate of Navy SERE School, I found it pretty extraordinary on a couple of counts.

First, the statements appear to be entirely voluntary and not coerced by torture or threats, LTC Mikhailovich shows no visible signs of making his statements under duress.  The others have injuries that appear several days old and are consistent with battlefield injuries from an explosion rather than a physical beating.  Don’t assume that black eyes only come from taking a punch to the face, they can occur generally from facial truma of various kinds.  Viktorovich states that they were wounded before being taken prisoner and recieved prompt medical treatment.  This is consistent with the stated policy of the Zelensky government in the treatment of prisoners, even though there have been reports of Ukrainian Territorial Guard units in Donbas shooting prisoners they have taken. We’ve reported on that here.