Ah, life in the military is very rarely boring. You get to travel to some exotic — well, different — places and meet some of the most interesting types of people. But one time-honored tradition was celebrating the 4th of July, our Independence Day, while deployed outside of the United States. For me, there are several memorable ones that come to mind.

On one 4th of July, we were leaving Ft. Bragg at about 0230 on July 4th with the temperature already pushing 100 degrees at Pope Air Force Base, and then arriving in Asuncion, Paraguay with the temperature in the high thirties. Asuncion, farther from the equator than New York City, had one of their coldest winters on record that year.

On another, in Honduras, had us and our allies involved in much reveling and throwing pyrotechnics. Yet, having no actual fireworks, we instead used star clusters, parachute flares, artillery, and grenade simulators in abundance at the back of the cuartel. After that, we had a war film fest on a VHS system (yes, it was THAT long ago) on the back patio where our allies joined us in watching the Duke (John Wayne) win several of our conflicts and take a scalp in “The Searchers.”

“Juan Wayne is a baaad muthfuqa,” one Honduran soldier said with a mastery of English that only a Bostonian could love. 

But Colombia was the best of the best for deployed Independence Day celebrations. For those who have never been there, Colombia is an awesome place. Many Americans who have never been there have a distorted view of what the country is like. Their misconceptions are fueled by countless films that portray it in an unfavorable and very different light from how the country really is. 

That said, the country was at that time still a dangerous place in many areas. Nevertheless, many Americans who worked there loved the place and the people. One of my friends, who was the American liaison officer to the Lancero (Ranger) School, ended up marrying a Colombian doctor and moved there after his retirement. 

That particular year, we had quite the day planned. We had an early mandatory appearance at the American ambassador’s residence where he had some high-level Colombian politicians visiting for a quick “mandatory fun” party, complete with a Colombian military band that played a spirited, yet slightly off-key, rendition of the “Star-Spangled Banner.”

After that, the plan was for several of the MILGRP personnel to retreat to a designated place with people from another government organization and the Colombians who worked for them. That was an opportunity to let our hair down a little bit. But then, the SOUTHCOM (Southern Command) commander threw a monkey wrench in our plans.