Team Room members, some of you may have received emails from the old Team Room website last night or this morning. These were sent out by mistake. We were testing some updates over there and published test articles. Because some of you had subscribed to website updates in the old commenting system, you received the emails.

Email subjects would have included:

  • [New post] Gonzo Update
  • [New post] WP3.6
  • [New post] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Normally, I like to test websites Old PH2 style; thankfully, I held myself in check.

I received questions about this from some of you who thought perhaps we’d been hacked, hence this note.

Also, we removed the ‘lock’ symbol from subscription content for users who are logged in. So if you no longer see the locks, that’s ok. If you do see them, you’re not logged in.

We have some updates coming your way soon. One of these will be a new website update and status section. I want to include all subscribers in website news, so I’ll move that out of Team Room and under Comms Check. You’ll find all the old website update posts, plus any news, info, product questions and ideas, as well as release notes. Look for that at the end of the week. (Well, it’s nothing exciting, but we like to keep open comms with you guys.)

More to follow.