Arson and child porn suspect uses stolen underwear to start fires

Michael L. Miller, 43, of North Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, is charged with child pornography possession and arson, police said. Photo from Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office (courtesy of Miami Herald).

Three strikes for Mikey Miller, 43, of North Fond du Lac, WI. His crime triad begins with child pornography. Big strike one there. Most of us are on board with sex crimes against our children being entered in our societal register as “wanton” and “heinous” criminal behavior.

Strike two is arson. Yeah, ouch! Surreptitiously lighting fires and then running away is a pathetic and horrible practice. Arsonists always come back though to watch the fire burn. That’s the whole allure of the act for them — watching the burn. Folks, mostly men, wouldn’t do half of the bad boy things they do if they couldn’t brag about them to their dude friends. An arson has to watch his burn or why light it?

Strike three is tricky. It’s actually not illegal or immoral to light a fire using underwear, ah but stolen underwear… yeah, nooo — “thou shalt not steal,” right? There you go! Got him on that Ten Commandment technicality. That kinda adds a little extra sting to the arson, you know?

When geo gets bored…

“Folks, there has been an arson that was started with skivvies but brace yourselves because those were… STOLEN skivvies!!”

I’m sorry, I’m just trying to understand why the reporter felt it so necessary to include that the fires were lit with stolen drawers. I guess I hate reports is what I’m getting at — really hate them and their bullshit, the empty dramatic bullshit.

Lastly, pardon my ad hominem poke, but I took one look at that brother’s foto and I insist he is being framed, man! Child porn? Arson? Stealing unmentionables? Those things are just so non-sequitur to that face. That is the face of brotherly generosity, of hope and confidence, of dignity and virility! If you are going to try to press that face into a mold with porn and arson you are going to need a 12-pound sledgehammer!

Funny: if you’re looking for Michael L. Miller, you’ll find him ‘au Fond du Lac‘ — ah-ha-ha-ha.