Marijuana causes man’s erection to last as long as 12 hours

I’m put soundly in mind of TV advertisements for Viagra and Cialis and the sort. At the end of the commercial, a couple of medical caveats were injected, one admonishing those with hypertension to not use the drug, and the other one to the effect:

“Anyone experiencing an erection lasting more than four hours should call their doctor.”

I swear all I could picture in my mind was the following.

RING, RING… “Doctor John speaking.”

“Yeah, doc… this is Barney Fife; I’ve had an erection now for over four hours!”

“Oh, go to hell, you Goddamned braggart!

Honestly, who would actually call? Has anyone ever called? What’s the remedy — go take some aspirin and a cold shower? How many millions of dollars have Big Pharma sank into researching the Viagra antidote? Is there an antidote? Has cancer research been pre-empted for antidote research — it sounds like a big problem since they were announcing it on TV.