In the midst of the devastating wildfires that have ravaged Southern California, a brazen theft has compounded the challenges faced by the region. On January 8, 2025, between 8 p.m. and 11:30 p.m., unidentified individuals infiltrated the Army Reserve Center in Tustin, California, making off with three Humvees and a cache of military equipment.

The fact that someone would take advantage of a disaster to steal from the government is absolutely appalling. We need to find these criminals and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

Details of the Theft

The perpetrators executed a calculated break-in at the Army Reserve Center’s storage warehouse. They breached several storage lockers, seized their contents, and proceeded to cut through a fence to access the military vehicle parking lot. The stolen Humvees included one armored vehicle and two with cloth doors. In addition to the vehicles, the thieves absconded with:

  • 40 binoculars
  • 8 machine gun vehicle mounts
  • 7 machine gun tripods
  • 18 bayonets
  • Unspecified medical equipment

Notably, no firearms or ammunition were reported missing.

According to the Tustin Police Department and as reported in Newsweek, they believe multiple thieves were involved in this coordinated effort. The robbers tried to breach a uniform storage facility but failed.

LA County Sheriff Luna had the following to say about looting in general during the fires:  “It’s always sad when I have to say this, but part of our responsibility is to make sure no one loots or steals from our residents or our community members who are already being impacted. So if you are thinking about coming into any of these areas to steal from our residents, I’m going to tell you something: You’re going to be caught, you’re going to be arrested and you’re going to be prosecuted.”

Security Concerns Amidst the Wildfires

The ongoing wildfires in Southern California have not only caused widespread destruction but have also raised significant security concerns, particularly regarding looting and the theft of military equipment. These challenges have been further compounded by the strain on local law enforcement resources, which are stretched thin as they manage multiple crises.