The Wisdom of Rummy

Almost 20 years ago, in the early days of Operation Iraqi Freedom, I had the opportunity to meet the late Donald Rumsfeld. Say about him what you will, but he was great with the troops and, despite being the US Secretary of Defense, spoke to us all well and treated us as equals. He came off as “one of the guys” and didn’t want any special perks. He even tried to wave off a personal security detail (PSD) as he insisted on walking a few hundred meters to a large outdoor speaking engagement. He indeed walked, PSD alert and close by, chatting with soldiers the entire time.

Why mention him at this time? In this instance, because of one particular quote of his. He said,

“You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin would have been smart to take in this nugget of wisdom.

The Russian Third Army Corps

At some point during his “special military operation,” it must have been clear to Putin that the “army he already had” wasn’t the greatest, so he had to develop something better after the war started. In US military operations circles, we refer to this as “piss poor planning.” 

The news was broken by Ukrainska Pravda in late July that Russia was “forming the Third Separate Army Corps in its Western Military District in order to address its lack of manpower in Ukraine.” Their source for this information came straight from The Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, a Ukrainian government-run website.

As an aside, they keep a ticker right below the header of their website, keeping track of how long it’s been since the Russians invaded their country.

In addition to giving us an accurate account of how long the war has been going on, it also gives us valuable insight into what the Ukrainians are thinking. They are fighting to stop tyranny and stand up for democracies worldwide.

The Russian Third Army Corps was created in June of 2022 as a “new and improved” (my words) ground unit that would take the fight to Ukraine. The “Third Corps,” as I’ll refer to them from heron out for the sake of brevity, is part of the Western Military District and was planned to comprise 15,000 – 60,000 soldiers. That’s a huge range.