The American Embassy in Baghdad’s “Green Zone” was once again the target of rocket fire on Sunday. An American airbase in Bagram, Afghanistan was also targeted the day before. These latest attacks took place as tensions against the American presence in the Middle East continue to grow, especially with the approaching anniversary of the assassination of Iranian general Qassem Soleimani.

The American airbase in Afghanistan was hit by five rockets launched by a nearby vehicle. The vehicle had been loaded with a dozen rockets but only fired the five that hit; the other seven misfired and were diffused by Afghan security forces. 

No American personnel were injured in either attack, but there was some minor damage to the American Embassy compound. However, during the fusillade in Baghdad, an Iraqi soldier, who was manning a nearby checkpoint, was injured. 

An Iraqi spokesman for President Barham Salih issued a statement saying that, “targeting the Green Zone is a terrorist act that endangers the security and lives of innocent citizens and their property.”

“It represents a targeting of the country’s sovereignty and national efforts to preserve the state’s prestige,” he added. “Targeting diplomatic missions undermines Iraq’s international reputation and its foreign relations.”

Witnesses reported that numerous alarm sirens were sounded and then the sky was filled with red tracers as the embassy’s C-RAM rocket defense system fired in response to the incoming rockets.

At least three rockets landed inside the embassy grounds while residential buildings were also hit (see video below). No information on civilian casualties has been released yet.