If your name was one of the 15,000 Americans found on the ISIS kill lists, would you want to know? Recently Circa News reported that the FBI has failed to tell many people that they are on the encrypted lists. The most recent release was on June 6, when approximately 8,000 were listed on the Telegram app. The message told ISIS sympathizers to kill those found on the list as an act of revenge for Muslims.

Circa stated that they obtained some of the lists for New York, Texas, Florida and California. They decided to call many of those listed to see if they were notified.

In Texas alone, Circa identified 22 people in a sampling of 24 names who did not receive any notification that they were in ISIS’s crosshairs. It also identified two local police departments whose citizens were on the list that also got no alert from the FBI.

In New York City, citizens reported getting called from the NYPD informing them of being on the ISIS kill list.

Amelia, an Army wife who asked to use a pseudonym during her interview to protect her identity, only knew there was a credible threat on her life but was given no further details when Army officials contacted her May 12.

“I had no idea I was on an ISIS hit list until you called me,” the woman said, referring to a telephone call Circa made in early June to her residence.

“It all made sense to me after you called. The Army didn’t give me any detailed information. I didn’t even get advice on how to protect myself but I took my own precautions, which included removing a lot of information from social media sites, changing my driving patterns and keeping my doors and windows locked,” she explained.

The police department in Corpus Christi, where Amelia lives, also had no idea it had a citizen on the ISIS hit list until a call from Circa News prompted it to call the FBI.