Fighting a war is miserable enough with the best equipment in the world. But, imagine facing your enemy shorthanded: without enough weapons or tactical gear to give you a fighting chance—David vs. Goliath.

Image by Alan Lessig

In addition to the weapons, you need boots, ballistic helmets, gloves, body armor,  knee and elbow pads, and much more to help even the odds. You need help, and you need it fast. Lives depend on it.

The good news is that the equipment is all out there, and a bunch of selfless folks have organized to help get it to where it needs to go ASAP.

This Isn’t the First Time the Need Has Been So Urgent

It was 1940, and the US had not yet entered WWII. Our British allies stood alone against Hitler and the Nazi war machine. British citizens faced the threat of invasion as they evacuated more than 300,000 troops from France ahead of a German Blitzkrieg.

This escape has become known as the “Miracle of Dunkirk” or simply Dunkirk. The troops survived to fight another day but, in doing so, left much of their equipment and many weapons on the beach.

They needed help, and they needed it right away. That’s when the Americans stepped in. The following notice was run in the November 1940 issue of American Rifleman.

The American Committee for the Defense of British Homes was a national organization that collected weapons, stopwatches, helmets, and other equipment for the British Home Guard during WWII. Local representatives collected donations from banks, prisons, hospitals, and other large institutions.