Innocent Children

The year is 1940. A group of American schoolchildren stands in neat rows in their classroom. In front of them is an American flag. The teacher starts to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Nothing too out of the ordinary there, right? But, as their little mouths start moving, something disturbing happens. They enthusiastically extend their right arm towards the flag, palm down, Nazi-style.

“What the (expletive deleted)?” you think to yourself. Have you traveled through some kind of wormhole to another dimension where Nazi Germany and the US are allies?

No, you have not. This actually happened in every classroom in every state all across the US. It’s something that no one ever speaks of anymore. Most people don’t know about it. The dirty little secret quickly came to a halt in the early days of World War II.

Allow me to explain.

American children salute the flag while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, circa 1939-40. Image credit:
American children salute the flag while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, circa 1939-40. Image credit:

What we are looking at is not a screenshot from the Amazon TV series The Man in the High Castle.” In case you weren’t aware, the show takes place in an alternative universe where Germany won WWII. I suggest checking it out sometime if you are a history/fiction buff.

No, ladies and gentlemen, this is not fiction. This photograph was taken in 1940 in a classroom right here in the good old US of A. It shows schoolchildren giving what was known as the “flag salute” or “Bellamy salute” while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Christian Socialist

Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892 to support a campaign to sell and raise US flags above public schools. Image credit:
Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892 to support a campaign to sell and raise US flags above public schools. Image credit:

The man in the photograph above is Reverend Francis Bellamy, who wrote the American Pledge of Allegiance. Actually, Bellamy re-wrote his Pledge from an earlier version, but he is given credit for having authored the modern Pledge. Confused yet?

Here is something that I didn’t know, and chances are you didn’t either. The man who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance was a Christian Socialist. Just what is a Christian Socialist? I was wondering that myself.