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Army Rangers

After completing Basic Training, Advanced Individual Training, and Airborne School, potential Rangers are carefully evaluated in the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program, or RASP. RASP identifies which soldiers have the mental fortitude and physical toughness required to serve as a member of this elite unit. Additionally, RASP provides training to these new recruits in critical Ranger tasks. Upon graduation of RASP, new Rangers will most likely be assigned to 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Ranger Battalion. Regimental Headquarters and the Regimental Support Battalion are also co-located at Ft. Benning with 3rd Battalion.

Today’s Ranger Battalions were stood up on the orders of General Creighton Abrams in 1974. As many of you may know, our Army had suffered a great deal and wasn’t looking so great in the Post-Vietnam War years. 1st and 2nd Ranger Battalions were created to be a role model for the rest of the Army, a unit where soldiers would be held to extremely high standards, their commanding guidance derived from the Ranger Creed, penned by Command Sergeant Major Neil Gentry.

US Army Rangers | The Complete Guide
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US Army Rangers | The Complete Guide

Rangers lead the way! The U.S. Army Rangers is an elite infantry-style, special operations unit. Read more about them in our updated guide.

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