Fresh off of his book tour for “Among Heroes,” Brandon Webb returns to the show. He gives a recap of the signings and his meeting some of the listeners and family members of the heroes in the book. He felt it was an overall success, and loved meeting many of the people who listen to us each week.

As many of you know, over the weekend, the New York Times wrote a very revealing piece on SEAL Team Six—one Brandon viewed as an attack on the SEAL teams as well as Special Operations as a whole. He gives his take, and on with us as well to speak on the matter is “American Sniper” co-author Scott McEwen.

We also answer your emails and award a Throat Punch of the Week. Be sure to check out the new Inside the Team Room, as well as our feed for the show on iTunes—don’t forget to leave a review for us there. As always, thank you. We appreciate your support.