Two great guests join us in this show as Jack Murphy hosts with me, Scott Mann and Erwin Stran.  We start off however with some news, a Gene Farnsworth voice memo sent to [email protected], and some reflection on the importance of Memorial Day and our fallen heroes.  You’ll hear us pay respects to some warriors you may know and may even remember.


Our first guest, Scott Mann, is a former Green Beret Lieutenant Colonel, and his latest book is “Mission America: Straight Talk About Military Transition.”  He actually joined Brandon and me way back on Episode 163 if you want to check out our members’ archive, so it’s definitely been a while since we heard from Scott.  This time we get into the topics of military members transitioning to the civilian world (the topic of his book) and some of the tactics that Green Berets have employed over many years that have been proven effective.


After that is Erwin Stran, a veteran of the Army who went on to volunteer with the Kurds in the fight against ISIS.  He is currently in the final stages of self-publishing his book “CAB Hunter” which will be out in the next few days, (C.A.B. is an acronym for Combat Action Badge.)  We get his on the ground perspective in the fight against ISIS based on his real world experience.  Last year, SOFREP author Kurt T got to interview Erwin for the piece “American in the Peshmerga recounts firefights with ISIS” if you want to check that out as well.