A favorite of the show, Marine Scout Sniper Jason Delgado joins Brandon Webb in studio, and although we have a lot of fun, we touch on some very important subjects.  These include tips on staying safe after the events in the U.K. from Manchester to London Bridge, more classified leaks being released, and some of the liberal hysteria over every move made by the Trump administration.  We answer your e-mails sent to [email protected], and we’ve been receiving some great questions thanks to you all.

Delgado’s new book is “Bounty Hunter 4/3: My Life in Combat from Marine Scout Sniper to MARSOC” and it comes out October 3rd.  We urge you all to pre-order though, as Jason has been someone we’ve been behind for a few years now and want to see him have continued success.  We hear a story from the book that you’ll love, and have another great Throat Punch of the Week to hand out.