For subscribers to SOFREP Radio, you’re in for a real treat this episode as we go a full two hours that non-members won’t be getting in its entirety, and it is a solid podcast for sure.  In studio with us is Joey L., you may have read his photo essay “Welcome to Raqqa” here a few months back, which got a lot of love from readers of the site.  Joey is a professional portrait photographer who’s done a lot of his own work shooting the action happening in Syria, and getting to know those on the ground fighting.  You’ve probably even seen some great shots he’s taken of Jack Murphy when he’s been over there.  What we get into specifically though, is Joey’s documentary “Born From Urgency” which is free to check out, and contains some truly mind-blowing footage.

After that we bring on Derek Gannon, who talks national disaster response with, Team Rubicon, which he’s been digging into.  We discuss the natural disasters that are ongoing, and the history to some of the responses in the past when chaos ensues in U.S. cities, either through similar situations, or political demonstrations.  We have a lot of fun, and we hope you do as well for this one.