On today’s show –

We’ve got special guest Cade Courtly. Cade is a former US Navy SEAL and also the host of Spike TV’s Surviving Disaster.

Cade is one of the few Navy SEAL Officers to ever complete the Navy SEAL Sniper course.

Later on the show, Cade reveals how he made the transition from Navy SEAL to Hollywood. It’s a funny story to say the least.

And if that’s not enough,…we also discuss gun control laws, offer a few solutions of our own, and do what we can to spark some intelligent conversation on the topic. Let’s take some action and avoid facing more stupid gun laws.

We take listener calls and also hit up the mail buoy.

Last but not least…Throat PUNCH of the week!


More Cade Courtley resources:

Website – http://sealsurvival.com/
Twitter – @cade_courtley

Buy Cade’s Book –

SEAL Prep courses mentioned on the show

Extreme SEAL Experience


Special Thanks –

MB Strategies, EJ Redding for sending the conceal holster pictured below.