On June 25th, 1996 the terrorist organization Hezbollah Al-Hejaz, translated to English as “Party of God” perpetrated a bombing on Air Force personnel stationed at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia.  The truck bomb detonation killed 19 service members, a Saudi local, and resulted in 498 injuries as well.  One of the men stationed with the Air Force in Saudi Arabia at that time was Air Force EOD David Rairdan, and he joins us to recall the full timeline of what happened that night.

Also featured on this episode, we answer your emails, keep them coming, it’s [email protected].  Jack gives a rebuttal to a New York Times article unfairly linking the history of Rhodesian war veterans as a whole to white supremacy.  This includes the smearing by The Times of former Delta Force operator Larry Vickers.  Some great content this show, it was an honor to have another member of the EOD community on, and we think this made for a great historical account of a day that must not go forgotten.