Miami in the 80’s was a wild scene and former FBI Special Agent Ed Mireles joins the show to share some of his experiences being a special agent in Miami during that time.  He shares how he went from  a Marine to becoming involved in the FBI dealing with anti-terrorism and eventually making his way to Miami.  It’s there that Ed shares his story of a shootout taking place April 11th, 1986 involving 8 FBI agents & 2 bank robbers.  He details that a hunch led the agents to the location the robbers ended up hitting.  Ed breaks down the entire sequence in great detail and reveals that the whole event from spotting the vehicle to ending the firefight lasted less than 5 minutes.  Be sure to pick up Ed’s book “FBI Miami Firefight: Five Minutes That Changed the Bureau” for further details about the event.  As a result of the firefight, Ed became the first FBI Special Agent to receive the Medal of Valor.


Jack opens the show describing his latest article on Newsrep, an exclusive describing another alleged war crime against Eddie Gallagher.  Jack also cites an article he wrote back in January where Gallagher’s step-son spoke out against Gallagher’s critics and explains the exchange Jack had with the step-son.  As always be sure to leave us a review on Apple Podcast, let us know what you think of the show and purchase Jack’s book “Murphy’s Law” where you can find wherever books are sold.