Leo Jenkins and Marty Skovlund, former Army Rangers and longtime friends of SOFREP, are currently traveling as far as they can with only $100 in their pockets and some supplies in their backpacks, going through grueling conditions to survive. Jack Murphy and I get the full scoop on their nomadic expedition just before they headed out. Why are they doing this? To raise money for GallantFew. Leo and Marty will walk as far as they can for 21 days. You can sponsor them by the mile or make a flat fee donation.

GallantFew is a non-profit organization whose mission is to reduce US Army Ranger veteran unemployment, homelessness, and eliminate Ranger veteran suicide through a unique program of one-on-one mentoring.

There are all types of rewards if you donate, and you still can, on IndieGogo. One of those rewards did include that Leo would get your name or company logo tattooed to him for a $5000 donation, which someone has actually claimed, so we’ll have to see Leo’s new ink once he’s back. It’s all for a great cause, and it’s excellent to see them getting media coverage throughout all the areas they’re hitting.

We also talk the exchange of five Gitmo detainees for the release of Bowe Bergdahl, and get into your e-mails sent to [email protected]

Before you go, please take a moment to sponsor Leo, Marty and GallantFew:

Sponsor the guys by the mile

Sponsor them with a flat fee donation