Mosul, Iraq, was not the place to be in the spring and summer of 2004. Extreme heat, incessant insect swarms, and mortars that could drop any second—definitely a hellhole for those deployed there.

Evenings were a little break, at least. Fewer bugs crawled into your ears and mouth, and the river breeze was like a cold beer after a long hike. Still, mornings were an oven, and you were always on edge, waiting for the next boom.

One evening, as we were trying to catch a break from the madness, a rocket came screaming and immediately yanked us back to reality. It was a damn wake-up call.

We knew the score, but that close call was a cold shower of no such thing as peace in a place like Mosul. And that’s when shit really got weird.

The Brutal Murder of Nick Berg

Nick Berg Iraq 2004

In mid-May, an insurgent video surfaced and made rounds online depicting the brutal murder of an American hostage, Nick Berg.

Nicholas Evan Berg was an American civilian who traveled to Iraq in 2004 seeking freelance work in the telecommunications industry when he was abducted and beheaded by Islamist militants.

And to say the least, the graphic nature of the footage had a profound impact on those who witnessed it. It is irrefutable proof of evil.