From the trenches of World War I to the deserts of the Middle East, warfare has constantly adapted to new technologies. The latest frontier? The skies, not with high-flying jets, but with buzzing First Person View (FPV) drones and the silent hum of electronic warfare (EW) systems designed to combat them.

The rise of FPV drones, which offer real-time video feeds for pilots, has revolutionized battlefield reconnaissance and close-air attacks.

Their agility and affordability make them perfect for scouting enemy positions, delivering pinpoint strikes, and even providing psychological pressure.

However, their Achilles’ heel lies in their control method: radio frequencies.

This vulnerability has ignited a new arms race – the fight for dominance in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Taking Down the Buzzing Scouts: How EW Counters FPV Drones

Imagine a soldier on patrol. Suddenly, a high-pitched whir cuts through the air. An enemy FPV drone zooms in, its camera relaying its position back to hostile forces. This scenario is a reality on the modern battlefield. Thankfully, Electronic Warfare offers a counterpunch.

FPV drone
Ukrainian soldiers operating FPV drones. (Image grab via @ZelenskyyUa/X)

EW systems work by jamming the radio frequencies used by FPV drones. This disrupts the control signal, causing the drone to veer off course, crash, or even be captured.

Effective jamming depends on several factors: