I was going to let this pass, I swear. There was a lot on my plate, I didn’t really have the time, but this story just got bigger and bigger. Pundits were a-punditing, pontificators pontificating, and the internet memes! So many, many memes… I held off for a few days, though. See, I learned my lesson when I tried to write about the David Patraeus scandal while it was still unfolding. Every time I thought I had a bead on what was happening, new information came out and the details of the story kept changing. I had to edit that damn thing every five minutes.

Therefore, I thought I’d let the dust settle a bit on the l’affaire de Bob Costas, and wait ford the inevitable outrageous outrage, media hand-wringing, and convoluted explanations to die down a bit before I shared my thoughts on the issue.

So yeah, Bob Costas. Jesus, has he been around forever or what? You know, I always thought of the dude as a harmless, relatively dull network television fixture. I grew up with the guy, for chrissakes. I can’t remember a time when his cherubic face wasn’t on my television, whether it was covering football, baseball, or being in terrible, terrible movies.

But now, Costas is taking heat for his commentary on a Monday night football game between the Dallas Cowboys and Philadelphia Eagles. Upon hearing the news that Kansas City Chiefs player Javon Belcher had murdered his wife, Kassandra Perkins, and then killed himself with a legally purchased and owned handgun, he decided some editorializing about the need for further gun control was necessary during the halftime show.

This wasn’t a second amendment debate. This should have been an open and shut case of domestic violence. Indeed, turning it into a debate about handguns is highly insulting to Perkins, not to mention her mother, who watched her child die in front of her. But, since the killer in question happened to be very good at playing a game involving a ball, it became a Big Media Story, with much pearl-clutching that would never have taken place if the perpetrator wasn’t famous.

Some of Costas’ fellow media members are lauding his speech, calling him brave and daring for “taking a risk.” This is hilarious on its face, as I’m sure 95% of Costas’ colleagues in the media totally agree with his stance on guns. If you don’t think Costas cleared this editorial and had full support of his bosses at NBC, you are a bit of a dullard.

Nice timing, too. I mean, there probably won’t be a lot of 18-34 year old guys who like guns watching a football game in Dallas, Texas. Great job alienating your target audience, NBC. This is the equivalent to Rachel Maddow railing against plastic surgery during a “Real Housewives of Orange County” marathon.

Costas drew largely from an article written by sportswriter Jason Whitlock. Whitlock had concluded that if those darn handguns weren’t so prolific, then Belcher never would have killed anyone. Since Whitlock is one of the few sports journalists to ever say anything remotely interesting, I was a bit dismayed to have him toss in a bit of anti-gun hysteria into an otherwise dead-on article about the NFL’s callousness in making the Chiefs play the game the next day. It was only a couple of paragraphs in a much longer story, but it was the part that Costas paraphrased and obviously agreed with, and therefore worth examining a little closer.