As we age and get a little older, finding the perfect Christmas gift gets harder and harder. Especially for those of us who have served in the military. Our tastes get simpler and we are easier to please as we have grown to appreciate the smaller things in life.

Personally, I just enjoy being with my family and if I get to see any old friends, sitting around a fireplace inside or a nice fire pit outside with a nice cigar and a single malt is peeing in the tall cotton. Or sipping some fine French wine from that noted Tennessee establishment owned by a Mr. Jacques Daniels…

But many of our significant others struggle to find the perfect gift for us and want to make our holidays special. And many of our readers now are women, so for you women folk out there who are looking for the perfect gift for your military men? You’ve come to the right place. Here’s a list of some Christmas gifts that you can give the man who has or has done just about everything. First up are the more expensive ones but are definitely worth looking into, if you have the cash:

MiG-29: Supersonic Interceptor and Multirole Jet Fighter

Have you ever watched Top Gun and wondered what it would be like to be going toe-to-toe with MiG 29? Well, now you can do one even better. You can pilot the main aircraft of the old Soviet Union and the near equal to anything the US could put into the sky.

The Mikoyan MiG-29 (Микоян МиГ-29) is the embodiment of a Russian military aircraft. The interceptor and multirole fighter-bomber MiG-29 uniquely combines unbelievable maneuverability with great speed. The first MiG-29 airframes were delivered to the Soviet Air Force in 1983. The MiG-29 Fulcrum was exported to numerous countries: Until today, more than 1,500 aircraft in various versions of the air superiority fighter MiG-29 were built. A word to the wise, this won’t be cheap but you can sign up here: