FighterSweep Fans, how many of you have or are currently flying the F/A-18 Super Hornet–or aspire to become Super Hornet Drivers? Any Hands? Okay. Next question: how many of you are familiar with “Bitchin Betty?”

For the uninitiated among you, “Bitchin’ Betty” is the voice in a fighter cockpit the pilots hear when there is something seriously wrong with their jet, or the voice which sternly corrects them and demands action when they’ve done something incredibly stupid and are about to die.

Miss Leslie Shook, the voice of Bitchin’ Betty for the Super Hornet, has announced her retirement from Boeing. It’s hard to put a number to the number of incidents avoided, disasters averted, or lives saved by this woman’s voice, but any of us would be remiss if we didn’t call it like it is: the woman is a hero.

Bitchin' Betty
Miss Leslie Shook, the voice behind “Bitchin’ Betty” in Boeing’s F/A-18 Super Hornet, has announced her retirement.

So please take a moment and watch the short video clip above, as Bitchin’ Betty takes the opportunity to say goodbye to her girl–the Boeing F/A-18 Hornet.

Ma’am, we thank you for your tireless service to the community, and we wish you absolutely nothing but the best in the next chapter–wherever that may take you.

The FighterSweep Team.

(Featured photo courtesy of U.S. Navy)