Jell-O has been the most requested guest since this podcast started. Today he was kind enough to be interviewed and lived up to the hype.

Jell-O spent nearly 25 years in service flying mainly the F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet but also the F-16 Fighting Falcon during an adversary tour. He accrued over 3,800 flight hours and 705 carrier landings, having served as a TOPGUN instructor and air wing operations officer. Jell-O left the Navy in 2017 and now flies for a major airline. He also started the “Fighter Pilot Podcast” which explores the fascinating world of air combat.

Jell-O is a great speaker with lots of stories. He has the wisdom of an experienced fighter pilot and is able to communicate it in an easy going way–a trait he shares with the first guest I interviewed, Matt “Freq” Casey. In this episode we talk about his advice to a new fighter pilot, what it feels like to land on a carrier at night, his favorite aircraft to fly, his views on leadership, and more.

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