Good Morning, FighterSweep Fans! Today we’re excited because we get to share with you something that (to our knowledge) hasn’t been done before in a U.S. fighter.
We go inside the cockpit with a good friend of ours–one who shall remain nameless and blameless–as he negotiates the Sidewinder Military Training Route through the airspace of R-2508 in Southern California. If you’ll recall, -2508 is comprised of all the airspace and associated landmass utilized by Edwards Air Force Base, Fort Irwin, and the Naval Air Weapons Station at China Lake.
What’s different about this video is it was produced using the new Kodak SP360 camera, so as you watch, you’ll get a Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet‘s 360° perspective on flying this particular low-level MTR. It’s a very unique perspective which puts you right there.

A Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet turns the corner on a low level route
A Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet turns the corner in the JEDI Transition. (Photo by Jonathan Derden)

How’s that for bada$$??
You’ll be able to see everything the pilot sees as he rages across the Mojave Desert–to include a run through the JEDI Transition which, much to an aviation photographer’s delight, contains the “Star Wars Canyon.”
We’re starting to play more with this gear and have some awesome ideas on how to produce more exciting content where you, our faithful FighterSweep followers, are sitting in the seat with us. Sound like a plan?!
[Editor’s Note: For the video to wrap correctly in a 360° construct, it is best viewed via the YouTube app on your mobile device. Otherwise, you may have problems with the presentation.]