President Trump announced he is proposing a privatization plan for the air traffic control system. In a speech today from the White House the President shared his vision to modernize the air traffic control system and move forward with implementing a satellite-based aircraft tracking system that replaces old ground radar technology.

President Trumps Remarks Start at 3:20

“We’re proposing reduced wait times, increased route efficiency and far fewer delays,” Trump said. “Our plan will get you where you need to go quickly, more reliably, more affordably, and yes, for the first time in a long time, on time.”

The FAA spends nearly $10 billion a year on air traffic control funded largely through passenger user fees, and has spent more than $7.5 billion on next-generation air traffic control reforms in recent years.

Trump said current air traffic reform efforts have failed and were a “total waste of money.” – Reuters

The President’s plan will require approval from Congress and many Democrats have already voiced their opposition saying the proposal would give too much control to the airlines.

The heart of the proposal would turn over air traffic control to a ‘self financing’ non profit organization that will not require taxpayer money according to President Trump.

What do you think? Will this idea fly?

Featured image of President Donald Trump signing a decision memo and a letter to members of Congress outlining the principles of his plan to privatize the nation’s air traffic control system by Andrew Harnik, AP Photo
