Editor’s Note: It appears elements of the Free Syrian Army have shot down a Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) MiG-21 Fishbed yesterday. While there is some debate over which system downed the jet–either MANPADS or Triple-A, news outlets have reported one pilot was able to eject and was recovered by Pro-Assad forces. The other pilot is reported to have died as he attempted an emergency landing at the air base in Hama. Video of the moment the MiG was struck can be viewed here.

Syrian Air Force MiG-21 has been downed by armed militants near a military airfield in western Hama Governorate, a military source told Sputnik. One pilot was able to eject to safety, the second one died in a failed emergency landing, according to the source.

“A Syrian warplane MiG-21 was shot down near the Hama military airfield,” the source said.

A Syrian military source later explained Sputnik that one pilot of the MiG-21US jet was able to eject to safety while the second one died in a failed emergency landing.

Photo of SyAAF MiG-21 courtesy of avijacija.com.

“After the Syrian Air Force plane was hit, one pilot ejected and landed at the al-Magir village, which is controlled by the [government] army. The second pilot attempted an emergency landing at the Hama military airfield. The landing failed and the pilot died,” the source explained.

This week, the Hama Governorate has seen clashes between the Syrian government troops and militants from the two main terrorist groups operating in Syria – Islamic State (Daesh) and the al-Qaeda linked Nusra Front.

The original article on Sputnik News can be viewed in its entirety right here.

(Featured photo courtesy of luftwaffeas.blogspot.com)