Take a look inside night operations with the F-22 Raptor at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida.

Watch: An F-22 Raptor Refueling at Night. This is Very Cool!

The F-22’s advanced software allows it to deliver precision air to ground weapons in day or night and all weather conditions.

Did you know when the Raptor was first used in combat? 2014! The F-22 participated in some airstrikes in Syria almost three years ago.

“A mix of U.S. aircraft and aircraft from within the U.S. Central Command area of operations conducted the strikes,” the Air Force official said in a statement. “We will not specify the exact numbers of U.S. aircraft or the specific munitions they employed. However, the U.S. aircraft participating in the operation included remotely piloted aircraft, F-15E, F-16, F/A-18 and F-22 fighters and B-1 bombers.” – USA Today

Featured image of the F-22 by Kevin Robertson, US Air Force
