In a show of US force and capability, it is reported that the Pentagon is considering deploying F-35’s to Europe next year. If this actually happens it would be the first operation overseas deployment of the aircraft. Last year the Air Force sent a deployment of F-22’s to Romania.

“Now that the F-35 has been declared combat capable, we will deploy our newest fighter to Europe in the not too distant future,” said Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James during a speech at the Atlantic Council. “Matter of fact, if I were a betting woman, I wouldn’t at all be surprised if the F-35 didn’t make an appearance, perhaps, next summer. The unique combination of stealth, situational and sensor fusion will play an important role in reassuring allies and providing deterrence.”

“Russia is a country that does understand force,” she said. “At a time like this, at a time when I believe they are pushing and poking and testing, I think the alliance needs to demonstrate that resolve and show force.” – Defense News

Watch the First F-35’s in Europe

Of course, a new administration is about to take control of the US government and all of this could change pending the decisions of a new President and Secretary of the Air Force.

Featured Image by MSgt John Nimmo Sr. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons