Afghan National Defense and Security Forces Air Force. This is where the Afghan Air Force makes bombs.

Nizami “Our guys are working to put components on bomb bodies.” From here they are put on the A-29 Super Tucano. The air force is also armed with the MD-530.

AAF MD-530 Aircraft Commander “One of the vitals duties of the MD-530 in Afghanistan is to provide close air support to friendly forces in the combat zone.” Commander “We will defend our country until the day we die.”

In the Afghan Air Force…from the pilots to boots on the ground…the message to the enemy is clear. Nizami if they try to kill the Afghanistan people, we are trying to build lots of munition and bombs to kill them.

Video by John Roberts. Resolute Support Headquarters.

Featured image of An Afghan air force A-29 Super Tucano aircraft flying over Afghanistan during a training mission

An Afghan air force A-29 Super Tucano aircraft flies over Afghanistan during a training mission