FighterSweep fans, check out this awesome time lapse video of flight deck operations on the USS John C Stennis.

As you are chowing down on hot dogs and barbecue this weekend, please take a moment to remember all of those service men and women who are currently abroad serving our country.  Independence Day is a great time to reflect on the freedoms we have as a nation and to remember those who are working hard to protect those freedoms. Most of all, enjoy your time with family and friends!

We think George Will said it best:

“Most of us, most of the time, live in blissful ignorance of what a small elite, heroic group of Americans are doing for us night and day. All over the globe, American Sailors are doing something very dangerous. Somewhere around the world, young men and women are landing Naval aircraft on the pitching decks of aircraft carriers, living on the edge of danger so the rest of us need not think about, let alone experience, danger.” – George Will

Have a safe 4th of July!

Video courtesy USS John C Stennis via YouTube