A military C-130 seen circling New York City for about an hour today caused many to wonder what it was doing.

Ever since the September 11th attacks New York City officials would issue a notice to the public concerning any unusual activity in the skies but no alerts were issued today.

Many on Twitter became concerned over the planes activity over the city;


‘This plane that’s been circling over Manhattan is starting to freak me out,’ one Twitter user wrote.

‘Why is this giant military plane flying over midtown (along with 2 helicopters)? Circling nearish Trump Towers,’ another said.

One person tweeted: ‘#Military #plane C-130? Circling around #Manhattan. Anyone have answers?’

‘Seeing multiple reports of a USAF C-130 and several Black Hawk helicopters circling low (3,000 feet) over Manhattan. No, that is not normal.’

The C-130 aircraft, which was spotted flying low around midtown Manhattan on Tuesday afternoon, was taking part in a routine military training exercise. The Federal Aviation Administration said the U.S. military was cleared to carry out the flights over the city. Two other helicopters were also spotted flying low. – Daily Mail

Featured Image from Instagram/nycmrm