THAAD anti-missile system, positioned in Alaska executed its 14th successful intercept on a test missile.

“I couldn’t be more proud of the government and contractor team who executed this flight test today,” said Air Force Lt. Gen. Sam Greaves, the Missile Defense Agency director.

“This test further demonstrates the capabilities of the THAAD weapon system and its ability to intercept and destroy ballistic missile threats. THAAD continues to protect our citizens, deployed forces and allies from a real and growing threat,” Greaves said.

In the test, an intermediate-range ballistic missile target was air-launched by a U.S. Air Force C-17over the Pacific north of Hawaii, and the THAAD system located at PSCA in Kodiak detected, tracked and intercepted the target, the MDA said. – DoDBuzz

The report stated that the Army soldiers manning the THAAD system were not aware of the actual launch time of the target missile.

Featured image By The U.S. Army Ralph Scott/Missile Defense Agency/U.S. Department of Defense [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Terminal High Altitude Area Defense THAAD interceptor