While some have raced to ride the wave of ultra-modern accessories for their AR, others like to keep it classic.  Admitting that “classic” for the AR is neither the most comfortable, nor the best looking there are a few of us who search for classier ways to adjust things.  In a forest of plastic stamped in different earthy shades one element has been largely neglected.  Wood, enter Black Wood USA.

For the gentleman-rifleman, Black Wood USA offers truly unique pieces of furniture.  By furniture I mean selected single pieces of hardwood that is then shaped, and matched with aluminum.  Finish and sealing is done by hand.  Using one piece of wood assures that the grain on one side will compliment the grain on another.  This is obviously not for your, “battle rifle build”, but rather for the fine rifle you’ve proudly assembled or ordered to spec.  Besides, when was the last time your battle rifle really saw any battle?

My first glance at Black Wood USA’s website left me wondering how much of the beauty was real, and how much was just good photography.  Amateur photography to the rescue!  I now have one of the pistol grips in hand and can assure that even with my feeble attempts to take good pictures, these are good-looking grips.  While aesthetics is certainly the main motivations for such parts, there is also form.  As we all know the grip is one of the primary interfaces between rifleman and rifle, so let’s take a look at the goods.

Having suffered from “patrol knuckle” before this was the first place I looked. The mating between finger and trigger guard is plenty spacious.


It was difficult to photograph, but relief and angle has been cut to permit proper thumb placement
The frame is aluminum so the all-important back strap is plenty strong.
Both the heel of the grip and bottoms of the panels have a reduction which makes them both comfortable and less likely to jab into something.

The materials, craftsmanship, and work that machines still can’t do mean that these grips aren’t cheap, but chances are if you’re looking to add this level of class it’s not on your budget gun.  The company is new and has plans for expansion.  Is there rifle in your safe begging to be dressed as well as it performs?