So, you’ve said goodbye to all of your friends, turned in your gear, and have that ever-so-valuable DD-214 in hand. You’re no longer a soldier, and you are now living in post-military deployment world. You’ve had that uniform, lived that disciplined life, been deployed to who-knows-where, and seen things most people can’t even imagine. You’ve been a part of something bigger than yourself, something grand, something that truly matters. 

And now, just like that, it’s over. You’ve returned home, and things are different. It’s like walking into a familiar room where somebody rearranged all of the furniture. Still, everything seems so normal. Too normal. Where is the chaos?

But it’s okay – it’s just a new mission, challenge, and adaptation. Just like you learned how to be a soldier, now it’s time to learn how to be a civilian again.

But where do you even begin? How do you go from the rigors and routine of military life to the apparent ease and freedom of civilian living? It can feel overwhelming. 

Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many before you have walked this path and successfully transitioned back to civilian life.

In this guide, we’ll cover exactly that. We will talk about adjusting to life post-military deployment, what you might expect, how to handle it, and some strategies to help you along the way. 

Handling Life Post-Military Deployment