In a move prioritizing Ukraine’s urgent need for defense, the United States is fast-tracking deliveries of advanced anti-air missile systems, the Pentagon announced on Thursday, June 20.

Missiles on the Move: US Expedites Patriot and NASAMS Deliveries

The strategic significance of the Patriot air defense system and NASAMS (National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System) missiles, crucial in countering Russian airstrikes, is underscored as they are being expedited to Ukraine, potentially causing delays for other countries on the waiting list.

“[W] e’re going to reprioritize the deliveries of these exports so that those missiles rolling off the production line will now be provided to Ukraine,” John Kirby, White House National Security Communications Advisor, told reporters via teleconference. “As a result, deliveries of these missiles to other countries that are currently in the queue will have to be delayed.”

This prioritization comes as Russia intensifies attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure, particularly the energy grid.

Pentagon spokesman Major General Patrick Ryder, in a separate press briefing on June 20, explained that while there had been no change in policy, Ukrainian forces are not limited to using these weapons near Kharkiv when engaging Russian troops.

“Russia once again trying to destroy Ukraine’s energy system and infrastructure ahead of winter,” explained Pentagon spokesman Major General Pat Ryder. “And so they (Ukraine) urgently need air defense — additional air defense capabilities.”

“[I] t’s self-defense, and so it makes sense for them to be able to do that,” he added.

If you recall, President Joe Biden quietly approved last month Kyiv’s use of US-supplied weapons to target military sites inside Russia. However, officials later clarified that this decision only applied to targets near the border with Ukraine’s eastern Kharkiv region.