Let’s face it, the military has a lot of rules and regulations that they expect everyone to follow to the letter. For the most part, servicemembers abide by the guidelines their commands set for them, though there are some that push the boundaries any chance they get.

Even the most squared-away troop has violated a military statute at one time or another because many of them are bull sh*t less important to the mission than others.

Check out our list of regulations that servicemembers violate every day.

1. Hands in Pockets

As crazy as it sounds, having your hands stuffed inside your warm pockets on a cold day isn’t allowed; it’s the military way — but we still do it.

7 military regs service members violate every day

2. Fraternization

A consensual adult relationship between officers and enlisted members totally violates the Uniform Code of Military Justice, but it’s a lot of fun to brag about after you get out.

3. Adultery

Sleeping with someone who isn’t your spouse is just a d*ck move. But just because it’s not cool doesn’t mean it never happens.

7 military regs service members violate every day

4. Wearing White Socks

Although they’re more comfortable than wearing black socks with combat boots, don’t let the higher-ups see you sporting the out-of-reg look.


5. Hazing

Most servicemembers prefer the term “hardcore training” — but for those enduring the tough discipline, it’s seen as a negative thing.

7 military regs service members violate every day
(Warner Bros)

6. Contract Marriages

Getting married strictly for monetary gain or medical benefits happens frequently, especially right before a deployment — it can turn south real quick.