By all accounts Corporal Cameron Baird was true warrior and is greatly missed by his team mates in 2 Commando.  Corporal Baird is Australia’s 40th KIA in Afghanistan during the War on Terror and is now Australia’s 100th Victoria’s Cross recipient. -Jack

The late Corporal Cameron Baird, who died in Afghanistan, has become the 100th Australian to be awarded a Victoria Cross.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott told Parliament that Corporal Baird received the prestigious military honour for “most conspicuous acts of valour.” Mr Abbott, his voice wavering, told of Corporal Baird’s heroic and repeated attempts to attack a room containing six insurgents.

“Corporal Baird was the 40th Australian soldier killed in Afghanistan and, please God, the last,” Mr Abbott said.

“We mourn them all. We grieve with their families.”

“Today we grieve with Cameron Baird’s parents, Doug and Kay, his brother Brendan and his nephews Riley and Max,” the Prime Minister added. “You have lost a son, a brother, an uncle … Our country has lost a citizen, a soldier, a hero. We are all the poorer for his passing but the richer for his living.”


Read the rest at the Sydney Morning Herald.