Andrew has become a good friend as well as his show producer Michael Binns and Ian Scotto who you know from SOFREP radio.

The SOFREP Team and I were invited to stand in for Andrew Wilkow tomorrow on Sirius XM Patriot 125 tomorrow the 16th from 12-3pm ET. Join me, Kerry Patton, Will Rodriguez, “Drago”, Mike Ritland, and whoever else we can pull out of the bag.



  • Government shut down
  • Lack of leadership in Washington DC that crosses party lines.
  • Special Report on Syria, Iran, and a Middle East of fire
  • US Special Ops at risk of becoming “Not Special”
  • Your questions, and more…

We’re taking your calls and would love to hear from the SOFREP Tea Room (Mike-Alpha-Foxtro-India-Alpha). If you have Sirius XM we’ll be taking your calls at 866-957-2874.

Thanks for all your support.
